User title: Community Pet
Member since Nov 2008 ·
19 posts · Location: Texas
Group memberships: Global Moderators, Members
This is all information that we all already know. Since we have some new members that I'm not acquainted with, perhaps someone here would know enough about working with/on the 360 to give a lending hand in something else, such as what would need to be done to mod scripts.
To my knowledge, here's what we've got so far:
- Merge NXE dump into a single ISO file or dump disc by doing this.
- Repack bnks (no tool for this yet exists).
- Prepare media for playing:
- Repack ISO and break into pieces like the NXE dump, resigning/rehashing on the way, then toss it back onto the 360?
The 360-related things I believe* we could use some information on. I have a general idea of what is involved, but not the entire picture. I've read up on it in a few places, but not having a 360 to work with, it is hard to put it all together in my head. Any help on that could help push things along, as well as a bnk compiler and some more cracked formats. 
*Or Silver is ten steps ahead of me and has this all figured out. Don't know.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.