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All posts by LittleCodingFox (34)

topic: MDL Information  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #1
Member since Nov 2008 · 34 posts
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Quote by TodX on 2009-06-27, 18:18:
I wouldn't have posted it if I hadn't.

Touché. Still, i have Windows 7 and Hex Workshop 6, and i'm unable to use your specs because Hex Workshop just blocks and keeps adding more and more memory, reaching over 700MB of RAM until i terminate it's process. Got any idea of what i should do? Is that even "normal"?
topic: MDL Information  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #2
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In reply to post ID 202
TodX, can you at least verify if the vertex element data uses the same size as your vertex specs' size?
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #3
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In reply to post ID 147
Well, i was able to re-download Fable 2 from teh internets, so if the only issue is that then you should try to visit torrent sites and see if you can download it like i did. Then you can use wx360 or something similar to extract the files.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #4
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In reply to post ID 116
I checked out ChunkSpy, wrote a modified Lua binary and ChunkSpy script, and i can decompile stuff to ASM-style.

I'm not sure if i did anything wrong while modifying it, but it's working for now. Plus, it should be pretty easy to convert to regular code now, even if kinda ugly styled.

There be binaries attached.
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topic: ENGINE_LEVEL - LevelGraphicsFile Format  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #5
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In reply to post ID 77
Just to let you know that you have a bit of an error there on LGFFloraInstance, you rename it to LGFCoordEntry, so HexWorkshop will say it has an error.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #6
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In reply to post ID 105
I'm really sorry guys, but i'm having trouble either finding time or skill to complete this (OP codes deal with bitwise operations, which i'm not so good at).

Attached is the source code for what i've been able to do so far.

There's no comments, but the code should be half-readable. Also remember, it's quite experimental.

You can find FragmentLib's most recent release here.
topic: CON Gamesave Information  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #7
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In reply to post ID 114
A float is a single-precision decimal number.
topic: Hashing advice requested  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #8
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In reply to post ID 98
Well, i just had a fancy idea.

Add a specific extra piece of data to the beginning of the data sent for MD5 generation, so they cant generate a proper MD5 out of the original files.
topic: LOCO File Format  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #9
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In reply to post ID 104
I've got a feeling that LocoEntry1Coords is some sort of Weight for Bones. A 4x4 matrix of those, even, judging from each Entry containing 16 Coords. Are you sure the Unknown is a DWORD and not a float?
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #10
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In reply to post ID 103
Ditto at being pretty good at picking up new languages pretty quick.

The game can interpret both compiled and decompiled, that's for sure. From the code i saw, it uses the same function to load LUA files, so there's really no difference.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #11
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In reply to post ID 101
We just need to modify a #define on lua that defines lua_Number as Double, and a few related #defines, to float, that should work, or we just have to follow their guides to know what to do exactly, since lua explicitly specifies that you can change it.

Also, did you notice there's actually one decompressed script on gamescripts.bnk? gameflow.txt has a decompiled gameflow.lua, if i aint mistaken.

Did i mention this is hard work since i hardly used Lua in my life?
This post was edited on 2008-12-13, 09:37 by LittleCodingFox.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #12
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In reply to post ID 99
Now isnt that interesting. I just found out that Fable 2 LUA files dont use the same lua_Number as regular lua, which uses doubles as lua_Number. Looks like the sizeof of lua_Number on the Fable 2 Scripts is 4 instead of 8, so i'm guessing it's using floats, which also explains why i'm getting some weird stuff when scanning the files.

EDIT: Just fixed my scan. Whoop-dee-doo. I'll take care of translating OPCodes and stuff now.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #13
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In reply to post ID 31
Well, it's not like i'm Mr. Super Duper Smart Person Guy, but i'm trying to write a decompiler for Lua. So far, got headers working OK, hopefully i'll be successful though. Wish me luck, i'll need it.
topic: Hashing advice requested  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #14
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In reply to post ID 97
From the information i've seen on wikipedia, SHA-1 has collisions, SHA-2 has a collision at the 2^64th attack, and SHA-256/224/384/512 ones have no collisions at all.

But if the .exe can be modified, then this wont do much anyhow, since, as you said, they can just get the hashes for the original files and send those hashes instead of the loaded files.

I wonder what i should do to be able to detect that sort of issue. But i wont bother too much with security, else i'll probably get my game unplayable or never work on the game because i'll be too busy with security.

Thanks for your help, TodX!
topic: Hashing advice requested  in the forum: Archive
LittleCodingFox #15
Member since Nov 2008 · 34 posts
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Subject: Hashing advice requested
Sorry for making a non-fable thread, but i dont really want to post this on gamedev-related forums since lately everyone on those forums is either too busy posting crap-based replies, or too busy to notice anything i post.

I'm working on a project of my own, think about it as a MMORPG-sized single-player RPG w/ minimal life simulation, and i'm about to work on client/server stuff, and i'm in need of a proper file checksum algorithm so i can receive hashes from the client to the server in order to verify that the client has all the needed files and that none are damaged/modified.

For those wondering, i need networking because the world simulation is quite CPU-intensive, so i'll make an exe exclusively for world simulation.

CRC cannot be used, since it's possible to make fake CRCs for files, even if the client by default doesnt know the checksums, and MD5 seems to have it's own collisions issues.

So, does anybody know of any good checksum algorithms i could use, preferably something that doesnt force me to pay licensing/royalties?

Thanks a lot for your time regarding this message.
This post was edited on 2013-11-21, 08:19 by Keshire.
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