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topic: Fable 3 Modding (Yes we can.)  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #1
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Subject: Fable 3 Modding
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #2
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In reply to post ID 239
Read the thread. Download is down, site isn't being maintained. You don't download the file, at least not from here. I've seen it posted on some of the XBox 360 hack sites, but damned if I can remember where exactly.

Actually, I'm just going to go ahead and remove the download altogether, as well as lock the thread. People can't be relied on to read before asking, so this is the way it's going to be.

Edit: Okay, our admin has fixed downloads so everything is now working properly. As for where to get this tool - don't. The Cullis Gate tool is the most complete tool available. Remember to rehash those files and happy hacking.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
This post was edited on 2010-07-21, 01:40 by JohnDoe.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #3
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In reply to post ID 235
Quote by nodata on 2010-06-28, 05:07:
I can't download it either. I hope this site is still being maintained.
No, it is not. Any hope to actually mod Fable 2 died and so the administrators looked to other things, developers retired, moderators quit, nothing is going on at this site.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #4
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In reply to post ID 210
Quote by xI V3n93ance Ix:
<Experience0 type="float">    274112.000000     4885D800</Experience0>

The first value is a normal "float", the second the same value as "int".
4885D800 is big endian hex float value for 274112, not int. ;)

As for length, there's a value in the header that tells the game how big the file is, editing it will allow for the size change. There are tutorials linked to in this thread, it's no big thing.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: MDL Information  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #5
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In reply to post ID 205
Quote by LittleCodingFox on 2009-06-29, 03:25:
Is that even "normal"?
HW5 and HW6 has some issues with zstrings, it seems HW6 is worse.
Okay, sorry, lame movie reference, I just had to.

But yea, TodX had the same problem. As for what to do about it, well, I'd suggest writing a parser. ;)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
This post was edited on 2009-07-02, 02:52 by JohnDoe.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #6
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In reply to post ID 193
This is all information that we all already know. Since we have some new members that I'm not acquainted with, perhaps someone here would know enough about working with/on the 360 to give a lending hand in something else, such as what would need to be done to mod scripts.
To my knowledge, here's what we've got so far:
  • Merge NXE dump into a single ISO file or dump disc by doing this.
  • Unpack ISO.
  • Decompress bnks.
  • Edit files.
  • Repack bnks (no tool for this yet exists).
  • Prepare media for playing:
    • Burn files to disc? Or
    • Repack ISO and break into pieces like the NXE dump, resigning/rehashing on the way, then toss it back onto the 360?
  • ???
  • Profit? Maybe?
The 360-related things I believe* we could use some information on. I have a general idea of what is involved, but not the entire picture. I've read up on it in a few places, but not having a 360 to work with, it is hard to put it all together in my head. Any help on that could help push things along, as well as a bnk compiler and some more cracked formats. :)

*Or Silver is ten steps ahead of me and has this all figured out. Don't know.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #7
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In reply to post ID 172
Alrighty then, good work. :)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #8
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In reply to post ID 170
Alright, handful of things to say.

First, great first app and first tool release. Side note, could you link me to the tutorials you used? I suddenly have a lot of faith in whatever you read. :D
Second, I would recommend that the abilities and experience pools were labeled. I remember in IRC that one of the abilities was strength. It would be better if the user knew which one was which. And the experience pools, I'm guessing they're using the same general/physical/skill/will set, I recommend labeling those too. ;)
Last thing, as LittleCodingFox mentioned, it would be better if it were in English. I know that there's a way to make apps multilingual but I wouldn't know how to go about doing that. I know erfahrung means experience, and I think insgesamt means together, but that confuses me. You may also want to mention in the thread which specific files to open, and how to get them. If I remember correctly, this requires a dump of the con file and using the Hero--- files. Just making sure.

Anyway, want to say again that you did a good job with this, especially for your first app. :)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #9
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In reply to post ID 152
Quote by Zamurick:
Actually, wxRipper refused to work.
Well fiddlesticks. Well, there's still xI V3n93ance Ix's method.
Quote by Zamurick:
What can I do to merge the parts? That's the thing I've been stumped on the whole time.
The general idea is to take the contents of each file and just add them sequentially to a single file, then getting rid of the 8192 byte header. I would think that there would be some more stuff to get rid of at the beginning and end of each file, but you'd have to talk to xI V3n93ance Ix for any details on that.

At that point, you have an ISO glued back together. With this ISO, you can use XDVDMulleter (first download listed).

Or you can do like our foxy coder and download the torrent. Note on that for others: I only throw this out there as a suggestion because Zamurick actually purchased the game, I don't encourage nor condone piracy, anyone dumb enough to publicly state that they have pirated Fable II will be banned for piracy and dense stupidity.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #10
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In reply to post ID 148
XDVDMulleter is among my favorites.
A little trouble finding the pinhole (no penor jokes please) but all is taken care of. We helped him out in IRC and he's got it now.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #11
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In reply to post ID 145
My understanding is that you can gut your 360, take out the HDD, stuff it in your computer, or use a SATA<->USB adapter to save time. From there I've no clue, but I do know that Xplorer360 or something like that is to be used somewhere down the road.

If you want the ISO instead of forty-something 162MB files, you can do this (third post, linked it to you in IRC).
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Lua 5.1 decompiler  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #12
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In reply to post ID 143
Cool stuff. Nice work. :)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: BIN File Format (Lipsync data)  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #13
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Subject: BIN File Format
#include "standard-types.hsl"

#pragma byteorder(big_endian)

typedef struct BIN //Lipsync data
    DWORD Count;
    DWORD Unknown[Count];
} BIN;

No laughing!
I'm guessing each of the unknowns calls a certain phoneme animation, so not really "unknown", just didn't know what to call it. I could probably work most of these out if I knew a piece of dialogue from a specific part of the game, so as to know which file it is.

God knows I need more practice, but for now hopefully these simpler things will do. :-)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #14
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In reply to post ID 69
Yea, no one said anything about packing up and closing shop. We're still here. ;-)

It would be a lot more convenient to mod this on PC, and a PC release was going to happen (rule of thumb: if Peter says it, disbelieve it), the question was when. I'm still skeptical about the rumors of a February release, though. Some of the Fable 1 formats were a little different between the two platforms, but not so significantly that the XBox formats were useless for PC.

And I'm sure everyone will agree that an additional coder is always welcome, and is in fact, way awesome. We don't exactly have people waiting in lines or anything.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
JohnDoe Moderator #15
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In reply to post ID 64
Yea, this doesn't look too bright. Ironic though, game scripts but no assets.
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