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topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #1
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...Stupid outdated whitepapers -_-
No, you would have to change the FileTable and I think the hashes ... which is nearly impossible by hand :P
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #2
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In reply to post ID 209
Nope, this is the only editor that exists.
feudalnate stopped working on his one because of various reasons ...

The other values are pretty easy to edit.
Example :
<Experience0 type="float">    274112.000000     4885D800</Experience0>

The first value is a normal "float", the second the same value as "int".
DONT increase the LENGTH of the value. You would break the FileTable and the Header ;)
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #3
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In reply to post ID 207
Everything is static and when Fable 2 freezes while Loading the Save is corrupt ;)
Dont use that app, its outdated and has the worst code I have ever seen ...
topic: BNK Extractor (GUI)  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #4
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In reply to post ID 199
System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Fable2Archives, Version=1.0.3423.31574, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

And the GUI looks ugly as hell ...
I tried to decompile the app and maybe fix the bug  ( and make the GUI look schmexxy ) but there is an error with the DLL.

Works now
This post was edited on 2009-05-17, 12:50 by xI V3n93ance Ix.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #5
Member since Dec 2008 · 18 posts · Location: Germany
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In reply to post ID 194
That "Repack ISO and break into pieces like the NXE dump ..." doesnt work ... like I said multiple times before.
We would need the KeyVault from the 360 you want to do this on, and write than a resigner/blocker who uses a whole Folder and write the Hashes into that CON.

Well, the hard part is the KV thingy.
I know that there is a "10 CON´s to KV" Program, but its not public ( wondering why :P ).
So, we need to burn the hole shiet.
I cant help with cracking  formats, but I have some DL DVD+RW´s to waste ^^
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #6
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In reply to post ID 188
Quote by DEElekgolo:
I really dont see to much from both apps. It looks to me like it just edits the XML. I havent messed with fable 2 in a while, are you able to set the money value higher then the original?

Actually, it just do ^^
For do a higher value we would have to repack the hole CON ...
I mean, I got the code for it but cant build it in right now.

The REALLY exctiting things are inside the texturemorphs.bin, but Im a newb at reverse engineering and no one wants to do it, so ...
We are just able to mod simple things.
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #7
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In reply to post ID 185
First, wow.
I didnt know that you guys are here ^^

Quote by DEElekgolo:
Why stop your work? I havent seen any other fable 2 save game editor out there.

I use Supermodders Xbox360 class, and I asked him if Im allowed to use it bcause I allready received it from ... someone ^^
He denied ... so.
I mean, I released it ... but I dont think it will hit the "big" sites.

I allready found all that out ;)
And I did that XML thingy ^^

My problem is that Im right now not skilled enough to do various things I want to do.
Maybe I will continue when I finish that C# book ...
Release your app feudalnate and dont care about superaison ;D
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #8
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In reply to post ID 183
Update Post #1
topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #9
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In reply to post ID 174
Its not really that hard.
Right now Im workin with some other guys ( not from here ._. ) on the other files inside the Save.
Allready found the values for the way you look like and tatoos and stuff.

Looks like I can release a 1.0 version soon with some great features :)

topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #10
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In reply to post ID 171
Thank you for your ( official ) feedback.
I allready fixed all those things you said and will soon release version 0.5 ( or even 0.6 ).

With that Ability things I had to make a lot of research -_-
Like change everything to 0. Change one Ability to 1, test the Save and the hole thing again.

Oh ^^
You dont have to extract the files. Just simply open the HeroXXX ( XXX = mostly 000 ) with the App.
Im workin on a check, so you cant open any file you want.
Later I will add a little noob-safe tutorial for everyone.

And all the information I used for this App were found by myself.

topic: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #11
Member since Dec 2008 · 18 posts · Location: Germany
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Subject: Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6
Fable 2 Savegame Editor
current build: 0.6

Older builds:



-Most of the values can be changed
-Resigner/Hasher inside
-All Abilities researched

-Crack the "texturemorphs.bin" ( help )
Body values ?
Inventory inside ?

-Fix some values ( x64 related )

-Make the Resigner/Hasher acessable

Green = Working on / Near 100%
Orange = Started
Red = Not started yet

Well, I have to stop my work here.
Someone else, more skilled programmer will release his own Fable 2 App.
My app is still not finish, and it will never be.

There are some bugs and it may destroy your save.
Use it at your own risk.

Please dont post this on other Forums.

-Get your HeroXXX ( XXX for you number ) Save from your HDD
( Location : Partition3 / Content / ( Your Profile) / 4D5307F1 / 00000001 / )
-Make a backup of it
-Open your Save with "Fable 2 Savegame Editor 0.6"
-Edit the things you want
-Save & Close
-Reblock and Resign with your favourite app
-Play ^^
This post was edited 3 times, last on 2010-07-09, 00:24 by JohnDoe.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #12
Member since Dec 2008 · 18 posts · Location: Germany
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In reply to post ID 157
In "normal" CON files the CRC checksum ( or something like this :x ) is encrypted with RSA 1024.
But the "NXE dump" CON file contains the CRC checksum of all the dump files together.

The resigning and hashing would not be the problem.
But that thing with the KV ...
Today I will talk to some guys ... hopefully they can giveme some more information, so I dont have to "say" it with my crappy english  xP ^^

Just the "DataXXXX" files.
The CON file above is useless.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #13
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In reply to post ID 154
Quote by Keshire:
I'm curious if the nxe dump header changes if you use a custom (as in changed files) burned DVD.

There's a lot of unknown stuff related to nxe. And while using burned DVD's to test stuff may be a pain in the ass now it would at least answer some lingering questions we have on how the game acts.

The Header is not the Problem.
People allready figuered out how to get "custom" NXE dumps to work.
The REAL problem ist the CON file one directory above the dump. That one is with the KV signed from the Xbox where it got created. Actually it wouldnt be that hard, but the dump dissapears when you sign it with an another, workin KV from another Xbox.

That means that we would have to get the KV from our own 360´s ...
Bad thing on that ... its nearly impossible ;) ._.

Download and install HxD.
Search under "Extras" for the Data-merge function.
Now just select all files and let it work.

After that, delete the strange 8192 bytes header, open up wx360 and extract all data.
topic: Checklist  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #14
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In reply to post ID 148
Its, actually, pretty easy to get the files out of the NXE dump.
You "just" have to merge all the parts together, delete the custom header and then you can extract the .iso with wx360.
There is just missing the Dashboard Update ... but I think you dont really need it ;D

If you need help, hook me up on IRC.
topic: CON Gamesave Information  in the forum: Archive
xI V3n93ance Ix #15
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In reply to post ID 115
Sooooooooo ...
Here are the Gamesaves so far that I used for my research.
Once as the Original CON ( My ID´s are still inside ) and extracted ( just with wxPIRS, not per hand ).

My failed modded gamesaves are not in there, just because they dont work.
I hope you can do more with it ... Download

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