Subject: Fable D20
I haven't updated these rules for 4th Edition. I also haven't written out the Paladin and 3 sub-wizard prestige classes. If anyone is interested I'd gladly do it.
Quote by Magic:All magic hails from the age of the old kingdom. Invented and embedded into the land for its people. In essance the magic is alive.
Sorcerers are the people who inherited this magic. Its part of their blood.
Druids are not Old kingdom based but have learned to harness the magic from nature.
Clerics and Paladins of all kinds are the same. The magic doesn't differentiate by god. Only alignment. But the religious don't know this.
Psionicists work in a different way. They have attuned their bodies to emulate that of the Old kingdom peoples. They have tricked the magic into working for them. This trickery can sometimes be felt. But is generally considered harmless and partly natural.
Wizardry is fairly new to Albion. It was invented soon after outlying islands began immigrating into Albion. It FORCEABLY pulls and bends the magic. The effect is so unsettling to other magic users that it can be felt even if not seen. This magic is considered an abomination. And some suspect that it will lead to the destruction of Albion.
There are rumors of other ways to harness the magic of the Old kingdom but nothing substantial has come of these rumors.
Quote by Class Changes:Monks: must have a max concentration at all levels.
Paladins: must have max Knowledge (religion) at all levels.
may be any lawful. But Neutral Paladins must pick a leaning (favoring good or evil) for power purposes.
Cleric: must have max Knowledge (religion) at all levels.
Druid: Loses Wild Shape
Gains Potion creation (Brew potions at half exp cost)
Druids must pick a region that they hail from
Must have max knowledge (nature) at all levels.
Ranger: May choose classes as favored enemies.
Sorceror: Must Have [Old Kingdom Blood] feat to take levels in Sorcerer.
loses familiar ability
Wizard: Must have [Skill Focus: Spellcraft] to take levels in Wizard.
Must roll against spellcraft in order to transcribe new spells into spellbook.
loses familiar ability, Gains Bluff as a class skill
Those caught within 10 feet of a Wizard casting a spell suffer -1 to all rolls for the round.
Exterminating Raze [Special]
Your Magic techniques are particularly damaging to plant
Prerequisites: Wizard
Benefit: Plant creatures caught within 20 feet of you suffer 2
points of damage per spell level.
Normal: Plant creatures caught in your radius suffer
no damage.
Agonizing Radius [General]
Your Magic techniques are particularly painful.
Prerequisites: Wizard
Benefit: Penalties for being caught within your radius
increase by one (i.e. from -1 to -2).
Due to the "Newness" of wizard magic. Specialization in a school is forbidden. Wizards must also find ways to hide thier spellbooks and somatic and verbal components (which are noticebly different from any other class) or suffer the consequences.
Spellcasters may attempt to conceal the fact that they are attempting to cast a spell. This is an especially important pursuit for wizards, who are alltoo-frequently the unfortunate target of impromptu lynch mobs. When casting a spell, a spellcaster may attempt to conceal verbal and somatic
components by making a Bluff check as a move equivalent action, to distract any witnesses. Onlookers may oppose the roll with a Sense Motive or
Spellcraft check.
Bluff Check Modifiers
Situation Modifier
The spellcaster is defiling -20
Spellcraft or Sense Motive Modifiers
Situation Modifier
Target is closely observing spellcaster +5
Target knows the character is a spellcaster +5
Casting spells in cities with witnesses can be very dangerous. Lynch mobs, Guards and even other wizards generally flock to the scene when someone cries “Wizard!”
Quote by Arena Mage Prestige Class:Arena Mage Prestige
The arena mage is a wizard who has acquired the
skills necessary to survive the rigors of arena combat,
engaging his opponents with an arsenal of spells. The
lesson to conceal this spellcasting ability comes quickly, as
failure means death. As such, an arena mage becomes a
master at casting spells in secret, as well as masking his
magic-use. To accomplish this feat, the arena mage has
developed a unique talent to help him: giving his spells
the trappings of psionic powers. Through the art of
deception and a constant charade of psionic aptitude he is
able to maintain secret his spellcasting even in the most
public of places.
Hit Die - D6
Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Disguise 8 ranks, Knowledge
(psionics) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks.
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Psionic
Mimicry, Skill Focus (Bluff).
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. Must know
at least one melee touch spell and at least one spell
with a psionic counterpart (such as keen edge).
lv - bab/Fort/Ref/Will - Special - Spell Casting
lv1 - +0/+0/+2/+2 - Arena Casting/Psionic Display - +1 level existing spellcasting class
lv2 - +1/+0/+3/+3 - Fast Concealment - +1 level existing spellcasting class
lv3 - +1/+1/+3/+3 - Persistant Touch/Reputation - +1 level existing spellcasting class
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Gather Information,
Intimidate, Jump, Perform, Profession, Psicraft, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Tumble.
Arena Casting (Ex): You add half your arena mage
level (rounded down) as a competence bonus to
Concentration checks made to cast spells while on the
Psionic Display (Ex): You can attempt to create
psionic displays during the casting of a spell, with a
successful Psicraft check (DC 15 + spell level). Adding
displays to a spell provides a +5 circumstance bonus to
Bluff checks made to conceal spellcasting. Spells that have
psionic counterparts, such as daze, emulate the displays of
their psionic counterparts; spells that do not have psionic
counterparts get attributed random displays.
An opponent can attempt to identify a spell being cast
by you using the Psicraft skill, just as if the spell were a
to an actual psionic power. A spell that has random
displays cannot be identified.
Fast Concealment (Ex): By 5th level, you have become
so good at concealing your spellcasting using the Bluff
skill, that it is no longer a move action for you but rather a
Free Action.
Reputation (Ex): By 7th level, your exploits earn you
the respect and admiration of those around you. You
receive a +1 circumstance bonus to non-combat uses of the
Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate
skills. These benefits do not apply when dealing with
rival gladiators or their devoted fans. If you have or select
the Leadership feat, you gain a +1 bonus to your
Leadership score.
Persistent Touch (Ex): The arena mage has mastered
the use of touch spells in combat by 10th level. Whenever
you use a melee touch spell, the charge persists for
another round, allowing you to discharge the spell again
the next round, as if you were holding the charge (PH
141). If you are capable of multiple attacks per round (due
to high level or being under the effects of haste, for
example), you may instead elect to make multiple melee
touch attacks with the spell against a single opponent, as
though using a full attack action.
Quote by Other Prestige Classes:*These classes are extremely rare.... (1-3 within the world)*
Gem Warrior Prestige
Sub group of paladins. (Think jedi)
(place holder)
lv1 -
lv2 -
lv3 -
lv4 -
lv5 -
Shadow Wizard - Future Wizard Sub-class
New Feat [Tap the Shadow]
(place Holder)
lv1 -
lv2 -
lv3 -
lv4 -
lv5 -
Cerulean Wizard - Future Wizard Sub-class
New Feat [Tap Thunder]
(place holder)
lv1 -
lv2 -
lv3 -
lv4 -
lv5 -
Necromancer - Future Wizard Sub-class
New Feat [Tap the Grey]
(place holder)
lv1 -
lv2 -
lv3 -
lv4 -
lv5 -
Apathy Cannot Inspire.
Ambivalence cannot lead.
Loved me. Feared me.
Changed me. Killed me.
Anything would be something.
But nothing is worst of all.
Ambivalence cannot lead.
Loved me. Feared me.
Changed me. Killed me.
Anything would be something.
But nothing is worst of all.
This post was edited on 2013-11-21, 08:28 by Keshire.