Subject: GHF Heightfield Data
So, after 11 years of tinkering and bimbling around and pestering coders who had long since moved on from this, I've managed to get something sensible out of the ghf heightfield files.
Focusing on the Brightwood ghf (ch3heightfieldabandfarm_id_926492ed.ghf) I could not see any discernible pattern in the data. So on a whim I decided to open it in 7zip and voila: export360/data/worlds/albion/brightwood/heightfields/ch3heightfieldabandfarm_id_926492ed.ghf about 8Mb.
First 14 bytes of nowt, then two integers of 769 (suspiciously like image dimensions) followed by a repeating pattern of 14 bytes throughout the file neatly organised into two columns.
*Cracks knuckles and opens Photoshop, 5 minutes later...:*
I renamed the extracted ghf file as a raw and with the following settings:
Width: 769
Height: 769
Count: 14
Interleaved: ✓
Depth: 8-bits
Header Size: 20 bytes
![ [Image:]](
Ok, so not perfect, but usable and a massive step in the right direction, another 11 years and it'll be about there!
I can probably work with this for what I need to do, and I will get onto the Fable 3 ones once I've done these.
Focusing on the Brightwood ghf (ch3heightfieldabandfarm_id_926492ed.ghf) I could not see any discernible pattern in the data. So on a whim I decided to open it in 7zip and voila: export360/data/worlds/albion/brightwood/heightfields/ch3heightfieldabandfarm_id_926492ed.ghf about 8Mb.
First 14 bytes of nowt, then two integers of 769 (suspiciously like image dimensions) followed by a repeating pattern of 14 bytes throughout the file neatly organised into two columns.
*Cracks knuckles and opens Photoshop, 5 minutes later...:*
I renamed the extracted ghf file as a raw and with the following settings:
Width: 769
Height: 769
Count: 14
Interleaved: ✓
Depth: 8-bits
Header Size: 20 bytes
![ [Image:]](

Ok, so not perfect, but usable and a massive step in the right direction, another 11 years and it'll be about there!
I can probably work with this for what I need to do, and I will get onto the Fable 3 ones once I've done these.