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Checklist (Important)


2008-11-05, 13:54 by Keshire
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JohnDoe Moderator #1
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Subject: Checklist
Models, textures, and related files.

Game mesh data. Not the model, but information pertaining to the model. Most models have one.
Related to models. Looks just like the HAVOK_SCENARIO files. Model physics?
Related to models.
Models. xsi. Hopefully not the latest xsi. Link to thread.
Skeletal morphs. Plain text.
Effects data (effects.big?).
Textures. Very likely to be DXTn. Swizzling is a possibility, compression is a definite. Compression is unknown.
Related to GUI art, third party stuff.
Related to GUI art, third party stuff.
Related to GUI art. Lists of UVs. Plain text.
Image container.

Animation files.

Animation data.
Related to animation data.
Looks like animation data. The top looks to determine what animations are used and when. The bottom has what looks like a list of animations.  Link to thread

Audio, language and related files.
Notes: No XMA2 codec exists.

Audio. Compressed. Link to thread.
Audio. XMA2.
Related to audio, looks like settings. XML/plain text.
Filehashes, one for audio files, the other for language files. Excel spreadsheet document.
Lip sync data. Thread.
Related to region-specific text files.
Related to region-specific fonts.

Level files.

Related to height field data. "ADMP".
Related to height field data. "ADMP".
Related to height field data. "ADMP".
Related to height field data. "HeightFieldGraphicsFile".
Related to height field data.
Contains environment map data.  Link to thread
Related to height field data. First 4 bytes are 1F8B0808, but I don't think this is header info.
Might be related to height field data. Same header as the GHF files. The rest looks the same too.
Related to path finding data. XML/plain text.
Related to path finding data. Kynogon Mesh.
Related to path finding data. Kynogon FindNearest Data.
Related to path finding data. Kynogon Spatial graph.
Related to path finding data.
Assuming it to determine where mist is.
Assuming it to determine where water is.
All named lightprobesdata.dat. Level lighting?
Not a clue except for the header. "EngineResourceList".
Stores links to other files such as heightmaps and flora models and has instancing data for flora. Link to thread.
Level physics?
XML/plain text. UIDs?
Guessing that these determine what textures are used where on the maps.

Other files.

Videos. Bink. Player available here.
Compressed archives. Link to thread.
Scripts. There's one for nearly every component of the game.
Shader data. ShaderBankFile.
Pubgames. Flash 8/AS2. Decompiling produces FLA along with AS files, Javascript/plain text.
XML/plain text. These are for the pubgames. Some determine settings, others are in-game text.
Looks like a list of stuff (Names.bin?). Link to post.
Plain text, each has a list of corresponding files. (Map lists have map files listed, GUI lists have GUI files listed, etc. and so on.)
Plain text, list of files on the disc.
Plain text. Some of these are lists, others look like they serve some purpose.
Executable. LZX compressed?

Not sure or incomplete.

To those who can, edit as you please.
You're a moderator, Silver, you could have fixed it. <_<
But I only edit posts for bad reasons. :-D
Douche.  :)
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
This post was edited 20 times, last on 2009-07-02, 19:18 by JohnDoe.
LittleCodingFox #2
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I really wish i could help...

I usually have lots of free time, even if it's 2 or 3 hours (you wouldnt imagine what i can do with 2-3 hours...  :-D ).

Does anyone have any tips on how i could get started on decoding file formats so i can try to at least help you guys?
OldBoy #3
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Silver pointed this out before. click = pdf
JohnDoe Moderator #4
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Heh, I was looking for that. I only skimmed the first time, just grabbing what info I could learn and skipping what was over my head. I could probably pick up a lot more reading through it now.
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Silver Moderator #5
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Yeah the Kynogon stuff is Kynapse. It is AI pathfinding stuff.

Just look at the customer showcase.

Also the xex is the executable shouldn't be red.
Keshire Administrator #6
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The heavy reliance on Havok and Kynapse is going to make adding and editing models a HUGE pain in the ass. That's the type of stuff that Lionhead would need to release 3ds max plugin suites and an internal editor for. Ala Crysis.

I don't see models being feasible this time around.

And even after that, Fable 2's pandering to the lowest common denominator would mean that the process to get those models in-game would be beyond their base audience.
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morerunes #7
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Well, that sucks. Guess my modeling skills won't be needed here unfortunately. Especially since that's a big portion of what I do with modding.

Good luck on getting more formats down, it looks like Lionhead has made it real hard to edit levels or models, which from my view means there aren't going to be any real good mods out there, just the basic game script edits and game-breaking-cheat mods. Maybe a texture pack and a new sound bank or something.
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JohnDoe Moderator #8
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Yea, this doesn't look too bright. Ironic though, game scripts but no assets.
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Keshire Administrator #9
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Quote by JohnDoe:
Yea, this doesn't look too bright. Ironic though, game scripts but no assets.

It's like the complete opposite of Fable 1. The point is just further pushed by the included plain text gameflow.

 :nuts:  <_<  :-/  :huh:  :rolleyes:

Also, the FAC/BGF/BSG GUI stuff is third party. Like Havok and Kynapse...
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This post was edited on 2008-12-02, 21:40 by Keshire.
morerunes #10
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Yeah, I know about the third party stuff, been reading around the forum, but the way they set it up is making it hard. Oblivion was very obviously .nif files, and dds files, while this is something else (or at least the archives are screwy). Both are Havok for physics.
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Silver Moderator #11
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I'll go with Fable 2 being easier than Fable 1. Nothing is more of a game killer than compiled quests. Assets may be harder this time around, let's face it they weren't easy the first time around (years!). We weren't here for a easy game to mod. We would of left long ago if we wanted that. The problem right now is we don't have a way to mod it. If we can get into modifying the NXE game dumps then we are set. If we are stuck with burning discs to test, even if someone manages to get this to a single layer dvd, it is dead right from the start. Nobody will want to do that and who would make the content? Fable 1 we at least had access to the game files while we were playing it on Xbox. We don't have that now. I almost have my 360 ready to play around with the NXE dumps (I am prepared to cry when I do).

How many people have that kind of access already? Just curious.
LittleCodingFox #12
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Well, if you ask me, even if Fable 2 on the 360 is epic hard to mod, we shouldnt just give up hope. I mean, i'm here even if i dont have a 360 (tho i have the original Limited Collectors Edition).

After all, it was confirmed by various sources that Fable 2 will have a PC version, so we should work on modding, even if it's, as i said, epic hard, because hopefully what we modded on the 360 will also work on the PC. It worked that way with Fable 1, didnt it?

Good luck for everyone trying to crack their formats. I'll be here watching, writing tools if i get the chance.

JohnDoe Moderator #13
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Yea, no one said anything about packing up and closing shop. We're still here. ;-)

It would be a lot more convenient to mod this on PC, and a PC release was going to happen (rule of thumb: if Peter says it, disbelieve it), the question was when. I'm still skeptical about the rumors of a February release, though. Some of the Fable 1 formats were a little different between the two platforms, but not so significantly that the XBox formats were useless for PC.

And I'm sure everyone will agree that an additional coder is always welcome, and is in fact, way awesome. We don't exactly have people waiting in lines or anything.
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Keshire Administrator #14
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I agree. And with the power that it looks like the scripts have it should be possible to completely rape the game's mechanics and quests. Much more so than with Fable 1.

At least as soon as we can decompile lua 5.1, and model-wise I'm sure weapons won't be much of the pain that all the ragdoll stuff is.

I've been really low on time here at work and at home recently. But once that time frees up I'll be all over the formats again.

And MDL models are a pretty generic format used by a wide variety of games.
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Zamurick #15
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I have a Fable II NXE game dump on my PC right now, however, I'm stuck with 42 part split archive of Fable II that I don't know what to do with.

JohnDoe told me on IRC that another member has managed to get the raw contents of the dump, but I haven't, and a tutorial on that would be extremely helpful.
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