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2008-11-05, 13:54 by Keshire
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[cut=Full List Of Rules]*  If a topic makes no sense to you, do not ask broad questions about it.  We have a lot of developer posts that will make no sense to someone who doesn't know how to program or has not taken the time to explore the game files.

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Basically, this is a technically based Fable modding site.  This is NOT a playground. [/cut]

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JohnDoe Moderator #16
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In reply to post ID 145
My understanding is that you can gut your 360, take out the HDD, stuff it in your computer, or use a SATA<->USB adapter to save time. From there I've no clue, but I do know that Xplorer360 or something like that is to be used somewhere down the road.

If you want the ISO instead of forty-something 162MB files, you can do this (third post, linked it to you in IRC).
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Zamurick #17
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I'm aware of how to get the split archive on my PC. I've already done so, like I stated. Hooking up your HDD to your PC doesn't require opening the 360 though, the HDD is external, all you have to do is open it.

I don't want to take apart my DVD drive in order to hotswap though, so wxRipper is a no-go for me.

But basically what I want to know is how to get into the split dump.
LittleCodingFox #18
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Well, i was able to re-download Fable 2 from teh internets, so if the only issue is that then you should try to visit torrent sites and see if you can download it like i did. Then you can use wx360 or something similar to extract the files.
JohnDoe Moderator #19
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XDVDMulleter is among my favorites.
A little trouble finding the pinhole (no penor jokes please) but all is taken care of. We helped him out in IRC and he's got it now.
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xI V3n93ance Ix #20
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In reply to post #18
Its, actually, pretty easy to get the files out of the NXE dump.
You "just" have to merge all the parts together, delete the custom header and then you can extract the .iso with wx360.
There is just missing the Dashboard Update ... but I think you dont really need it ;D

If you need help, hook me up on IRC.
Zamurick #21
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In reply to post #19
@John: Actually, wxRipper refused to work. The latest version (1.2) would always say the hotswap was too small (I know it shouldn't have been). In the version previous to that (1.1 beta) it actually recognized the hotswap, but when it said something like "Unknown game! Starting unknown game method." I would get an error which asks me whether to continue or quit running the program. When I clicked "Continue" the program would still respond, but nothing in the program actually did anything (clicking spin drive would still show the button click animation, but the drive would not spin). In version 1.0, it said "Unknown Game!" and would do nothing afterwards (I'm assuming the program did not have an unknown game method in that version).

@Vengance: What can I do to merge the parts? That's the thing I've been stumped on the whole time.
JohnDoe Moderator #22
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Quote by Zamurick:
Actually, wxRipper refused to work.
Well fiddlesticks. Well, there's still xI V3n93ance Ix's method.
Quote by Zamurick:
What can I do to merge the parts? That's the thing I've been stumped on the whole time.
The general idea is to take the contents of each file and just add them sequentially to a single file, then getting rid of the 8192 byte header. I would think that there would be some more stuff to get rid of at the beginning and end of each file, but you'd have to talk to xI V3n93ance Ix for any details on that.

At that point, you have an ISO glued back together. With this ISO, you can use XDVDMulleter (first download listed).

Or you can do like our foxy coder and download the torrent. Note on that for others: I only throw this out there as a suggestion because Zamurick actually purchased the game, I don't encourage nor condone piracy, anyone dumb enough to publicly state that they have pirated Fable II will be banned for piracy and dense stupidity.
An optimist is a pessimist in the making.
Keshire Administrator #23
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I'm curious if the nxe dump header changes if you use a custom (as in changed files) burned DVD.

There's a lot of unknown stuff related to nxe. And while using burned DVD's to test stuff may be a pain in the ass now it would at least answer some lingering questions we have on how the game acts.
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xI V3n93ance Ix #24
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Quote by Keshire:
I'm curious if the nxe dump header changes if you use a custom (as in changed files) burned DVD.

There's a lot of unknown stuff related to nxe. And while using burned DVD's to test stuff may be a pain in the ass now it would at least answer some lingering questions we have on how the game acts.

The Header is not the Problem.
People allready figuered out how to get "custom" NXE dumps to work.
The REAL problem ist the CON file one directory above the dump. That one is with the KV signed from the Xbox where it got created. Actually it wouldnt be that hard, but the dump dissapears when you sign it with an another, workin KV from another Xbox.

That means that we would have to get the KV from our own 360´s ...
Bad thing on that ... its nearly impossible ;) ._.

Download and install HxD.
Search under "Extras" for the Data-merge function.
Now just select all files and let it work.

After that, delete the strange 8192 bytes header, open up wx360 and extract all data.
Zamurick #25
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I used HxD for the first one.

Am I supposed to join just Data0000 - Data0042 or am I also supposed to merge that other file in the directory above?
Keshire Administrator #26
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So what's in the con file then? CRC checks?
And if we're looking at a brick wall, what does the nxe con resigner do?…

I'm a little behind on what's going on.
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xI V3n93ance Ix #27
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In "normal" CON files the CRC checksum ( or something like this :x ) is encrypted with RSA 1024.
But the "NXE dump" CON file contains the CRC checksum of all the dump files together.

The resigning and hashing would not be the problem.
But that thing with the KV ...
Today I will talk to some guys ... hopefully they can giveme some more information, so I dont have to "say" it with my crappy english  xP ^^

Just the "DataXXXX" files.
The CON file above is useless.
licdfjk Guest #28
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you can do like our foxy coder and download the torrent.

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